Tickets for BUTFF@Werkstattkino in München can be bought at the boxoffice of Werkstattkino.
Adres:Fraunhoferstrasse 9 Reservations
089 2607250 available from 10-5
Ticket prices
Single ticket € 6,- (student € 5,-) Day ticket € 12,- (student € 10,-) Passe partout € 20,- (entrance to all films)
Tickets for BUTFF in Breda
Tickets can be bought at the box office From the first of september reservations are possible, you can make reservation through the film A-Z menu option. The box office is open (St.Janstraat 17): from 7 till 11 september we/th/fr from 12.00h till 22.00h sa/su from 10.00h till 22.00h Reservations have to be picked up a half hour before the start of the show. A selection of tickets is for loose sales at the day of the show Your attention please!!
Below you can order daytickets and passepartouts for the festival.
If you order a dayticket or a passepartout it is nescessary to make seatreservations for every film separatly. You can login at the ticketshop and place your reservations in your shoppingbasket. Please pickup your reservations at the festival boxoffice before the films starts. Reservations at the boxoffice are possible, but we can not garantee availablity. 80% of the seats are distributed in advance. The remaining 20% will be available on the day of screening. PRICES |