BUTFF 8 t/m 12 sept. 2010
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NachtNet Brabant

Buttgereit Shorts

Director: Jörg Buttgereit
Country: Germany
Length: 90 minutes
Language: German, english subtitles

buttgereit-portret During BUT Film Festival Jörg Buttgereit will treat us to a selection of his short films. Which ones are shown is still unknown at this point. During the show, Jörg Buttgereit will take us along with his short movies with an introduction and an explanation about these short movies. Not all of them will have subtitles, but this will not diminish the effect out what will be shown.

Jörg Buttgereit is responsible for a large number of short movies, among which is “Captain Berlin”, whose successor “Captain Berlin VS Hitler” is shown here at BUTFF. Many of his short movies are horror oriented, but also have a critical lining towards society. What will be shown remains a mystery for now, up until the point that they are shown. Whatever will be presented, it will be something worth seeing.

screening: winkelmandje
Thursday Sept . 9, 18:00h.
Nieuwe Veste Theatre 2