BUT overnight package
5 nights € 200,- p.p. (±20 minutes by bike from BUTFF, incl. BUT passe-partout and bike rent)
Three Studies
Director: Jaap de Vries
website director Country: NL Year: 2004 Length: 40 minutes Language: Dutch Since the murder of God, man suffers from the meaninglessness of the world, for which he himself is responsible. At least that is how it appears. However, it remains to be seen whether, when He was still alive, it was the sense of meaning afforded to this earthly existence by the Christian church that turned it into a life worth celebrating. Would it not seem more likely that before His death religious life could have acted as a patron of places and events where people were able to communicate with forces that nourished life and that were able to move life forward, the meaninglessness of life being seen rather as something to be cherished than as a deficiency? Real art is without meaning. The same goes for film. One could summarize film in the form of a story. But is that what makes it so fascinating? It is the mixture of pain and eroticism that provides the greatest impact? The image is swallowed up in the intensities. Cutting in one's own skin means being prepared to meet death. The deeper the cuts inflicted, the nearer death. It is a sacrifice. Screening:
Friday Sept. 11th 22.00 h. Electron Upper theatre |