18 t/m 21 sept. 2008, Electron Breda

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Premièrs at BUTFF2008

BUTFF interviews
from 14 dec. 2007 available: an interview with BUTFF director
Ricardo Ribelles about his film 'El Baron contra los demonios'www.kleurentelevizie.nl no. 029

Looking back on BUTFF 2007:
DIKTAT en Doctor Bibber

Press release

——— 21 juli 2008 ———
BUT Filmfestival gets under your skin

Four days B-movies, Underground and Trash films in Breda. BUTFF will rock for the third time the foundations of the city, from the crypts of former manufacturing plant Electron to the screeningrooms of Chassé Cinema. National and international underground-artists will shake the locations by their steaming, stamping and bizarre films and performances. BUTFF is an intimate festival with international allure. It is known for its informal sphere and good contacts among the many visiting directors, performers and public.

This years rebellious theme is alienation of the body. For instance the contribution of Claudia Reinhardt, who stands model herself for the photoserie ‘Killing me softly’. Or the erotic films of American cineast and photographer Roy Stuart, one of the honored guests of the festival, which will make the public tremble.
Every day there is a late night performance. Among others Wes Westenberg, who searches the boundaries of his own body in a unique way. In one of his earlier appearences he tattood his skin with a sowing machine. Shocky!
The BUTFF will take place in Electron and Chasse Cinema from 18th to 21st September 2008. Half august a more detailed program will be given.