27 t/m 30 sept. 2007, Electron Breda
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Jack Stevenson
Totally Uncensored: A History of scandinavian Sex Cinema
In the night of Friday the 28th of September to Saturday the 29th of September, specialist Jack Stevenson presents the program Totally Uncensored, in which he tells in a colorful manner how the Scandinavian sex cinema conquered the world. ...more Jack Stevenson
...more Totally Uncensored

On the festival attention is paid to Grindhouse films, too. The naam 'Grindhouse' refers to old cinemas in big American cities where movies were screened all day long. ...more

Al Adamson
To the works of B-movie king Al Adamson (1929 - 1995) a mini-retrospective is dedicated.

For die-hards with a strong stomach there is the theme program 'Extreme'. ...more

Hero Tomorrow

Heroo Tomorrow (filmstill)
Director: Ted Sikora
Country: USA
Year: 2007
Length: 93 minutes
Language: English
Subtitles: no
Cast: Perren Hedderson, Jocelyn Wrzosek, Bryan Jalovec, Shelley Delaney

A comic-book artist finds himself in a personal crisis. He has troubles thinking up new stories. For Halloween his girl friend, who�s a fashion designer, made a real suit of the character Apama that he created. When he puts it on, he believes he�s a real superhero and soon he�s fighting crime in real life. But along the way things get messy.
Just like the main character, director Ted Sikora also makes comics. That�s why he knew like no other how Hero Tomorrow should look and feel like. But instead of light fare, he also incorporated topics like addiction, schizofrenia and relational intricacies.

Screening: Sa. 29 Sept., 22.00 h, large auditorium

Also check out www.herotomorrow.com